Review: The Wolf Gate
I don't read a lot of retellings of "Little Red Riding Hood" because they usually change the wolf character into a werewolf and eliminate the theme of trusting strangers (which is why I wrote my own version ). However, since I enjoyed The Rose Gate by Hanna Sandvig because of the unique modern-day setting and fae worldbuilding, I decided to check out its prequel, The Wolf Gate . This book contains the expected werewolves, but it also does a good job of conveying the theme of trust and stands out from other fairy tale adaptations due to its modern high school setting. It reminded me of Twilight due to its teenage target audience, so I think I would have enjoyed it more if I read it at a younger age. The last thing Audrey expects after getting chased in the woods is to be rescued by her ex-boyfriend who abandoned her at prom. Nor is she expecting to learn that he is a werewolf from the fae world and that he abandoned her due to his magical responsibilities. However, t